On 10/03/2018, FCI announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed 8TH for the position of Watchman.
- Job Title: Watchman
- Qualification: 8TH
- No. of Posts: 19 Posts
- Salary: Rs. 8,100 – Rs. 18,070/- Per Month
- Experience: Fresher
- Job Location: Shilong
- Last Date to Apply: 04/04/2018
Other Qualification Details:
Minimum Educational Qualification: 8th Standard Passed. Scale of Pay (IDA Pattern) (Pre-revised): 8,100 – 18,070/
Age: 18 – 25 years
Application Fee: Application Fee To Be Paid: Rs. 250/- (Excluding bank charges)
Address For The Job
1. All the appointments will be subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Corporation in-force from time to time. CANDIDATES ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT THE ONLINE APPLICATION FORM ONLY ONCE. In case of multiple applications, the candidature shall be summarily cancelled. Also, no print/hard copy of the application form is to be sent. Candidates who have completed and possess the minimum educational qualification by 01/12/2017 are only eligible to apply.
2. Candidates who are appearing at the qualifying exam or their proof of passing /result is not declared by 01/12/2017 are NOT ELIGIBLE for applying for the post. The Admit Card for the Written Test indicating the time and venue of examination for each candidate can be downloaded from www.fcinefjobs.com 15 days prior to the date of examination.
3. The Admit Card for Written Test WILL NOT be sent by post or e-mail. Candidates, who are not able to generate their Admit Cards online at least one week before the date of the examination, should contact at e-mail ID fcinef17@gmail.com Even then if the grievances are not addressed, the candidates may contact at e-mail ID agmperme.fci@nic.in with proof of online submission of Application Form for generating Admit Card online. Intimation about shortlisted candidates will be posted on website for which candidate may keep in touch with website www.fcinefjobs.com. The candidate qualified in written test has to appear PET to be eligible for the selection. The candidates are advised to keep in touch with the website for further details and regular updates.
4. The post carries IDA pattern pay scale and usual allowances such as HRA, Leave Travel facilities etc. The scale carries DA on percentage basis. Gross emoluments would vary depending upon place of posting. Other benefits like CPF, Gratuity, Leave Travel Concessions, Leave Encashment, Medical reimbursement, etc. shall be applicable as per the rules of the Corporation as amended from time to time.
5. Employees of the Central / State Govt. / Public Sector Undertakings and departmental candidates should also apply Online. Their candidature is subject to fulfillment of the essential eligibility criteria and ensures that they are in possession of ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer at the time of document verification.
Selection Procedure
How to Apply
1. The Online registration will remain active from 05/03/2018 10:00 Hrs (IST) to 04/04/2018 17:00 Hrs (IST) only. In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates are advised to apply early enough. FCI will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem in submission of online Application.
2. Before registering/submitting applications on the website, the candidates should follow the instructions given in advertisement/website and possess the following:
a) Valid e-mail ID and Mobile No.: The e-mail ID and mobile number entered in the Online Application Form should remain valid/active until the recruitment process is completed. No change in the e-mail ID and Mobile No. will be allowed once submitted. The candidate himself/herself will be responsible for wrong or expired e-mail ID and mobile Number.
b) PHOTOGRAPH: One recent coloured passport size photograph preferably with a white background, not more than three months old is to be SCANNED AND UPLOADED in the space earmarked in the Online Application Form. The size of the file for photograph should be between 5kb-100kb.
c) SIGNATURE: Signature (in Black ink) against a white background is to be SCANNED and UPLOADED in the space earmarked in the Online Application Form and as per the guidelines given on website. Candidates must ensure that the signatures are identical throughout the Recruitment process at all stages and/or places. If any variation is found between the signatures, the candidature is liable to be cancelled. The candidate is advised to confirm that his uploaded signature is clearly visible/ identifiable at the appropriate place. The size of file should be between 2kb-50kb.
d) CERTIFICATE FOR EXEMPTION OF APPLICATION FEE: SC/ST/Exservicemen or Women Candidates who are seeking fee Exemption must upload the relevant document/certificate as stated above as a proof for Exemption from application Fee. The size of scanned file should be between 20kb-150kb.
3. Nationality: A candidate for appointment in the service of the Corporation shall be: i. a Citizen of India, or II. a subject of Nepal, or III. a subject of Bhutan, or IV. a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or V. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
Official notification: