The Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation Limited has released a notification inviting interested, eligible candidates to apply for the posts of manager, other vacancies. The candidates may apply online in the prescribed format through the official website.
Vacancy details:
Total posts: 138
Name of the posts:
- General Manager: 3
- Deputy General Manager: 6
- Manager: 5
- Assistant Manager: 11
- Section Engineer: 50
- Junior Engineer: 63
Eligibility criteria:
Educational qualification:
The candidates should have possess a matriculation certificate, diploma or graduation degree in Engineering, M.Com or MBA, ICA / ICWA/ ICSI from a recognised board/ university/ institutions according to the posts.
For more details on post wise educational qualification please check the notification.
Age limit:
General Manager: The upper age limit of the candidates must not exceed 50 years.
Deputy General Manager: The upper age limit of the candidates must not exceed 45 years.
For post wise details on age limit, please check the notification.
Selection process:
The candidates will be selected on the basis of personal interview.
How to apply:
The candidates may apply in the prescribed format through the official website,
Important date:
The last date for the submission of online application is May 10.