On 13/04/2018, India Post Office announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed 10TH, ITI for the position of Multi Tasking Staff.
- Job Title: Multi Tasking Staff
- Qualification: 10TH, ITI
- Vacancies: 95 Posts
- Salary: Rs. 18,000/- Per Month
- Experience: Fresher
- Job Location: Vijayawada
- Last Date to Apply: 12/05/2018
Other Qualification Details:
Scale of pay: Rs. 18000/- in Level-I of Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC + admissible allowance as prescribed from time to time. Educational Qualification: Matriculation or ITI from a recognized Board.
Age: 18 to 25 years
Application Fee: Rs.100/-.
General Conditions
1. The merit list for the whole Circle shall be prepared in respect of all categories of posts put together. -For the said purpose, the candidates have to indicate the order of preference of the posts of MTS limited to maximum Of five Divisions/ Administrative offces in the online application.
2. The details of posts are given in the vacancy position mentioned above. For the Candidate availing age relaxation in SC/ST/OBC, the choice Of preference of divisions is restricted in the divisions where the vacancie are notified in the repective communities i.e., for SC community- the preference is restrict«l to Circle Office & Regional Office, PSD Guntak*l, PSD Vijayawada, PSD Rajahmundry, RMS ‘V’ Dn., RMS ‘Y’ Dn. and RMS ‘TP Dn.; for ST community – the preference is restricted to PSD Guntakal, PSD Rajahmundry, RMS ‘V’ Dn., RMS ‘Y’ Dn. and RMS ‘TP’ Dn.; and for OBC community – the preference is restricted to PSD Guntakal,- PSD Vijayawada, RMS ‘V’ RMS ‘Y’ Dn. and RMS ‘TP’ Dn. Candidates will have to give an undertaking ürat in the event Of his/her not getting the post in his preference, he/she is willing to accept the appoinünent in any category of the post to which he/she is allotted.
3. The candidates who do not indicate their preference, it will be presumed that they have equal preference for all the posts and may be allocated to the post to the division/circle & administrative offices where vacancy exists at the discretion of the Competent Authority. )
4. Before starting Registration of his/her application on the website, the Candidate should read the notification, instruction sheet caremlly. He/she has to evaluate his/her eligibility for the categcry. His/her eligibility will be evaluated during the registration-1 process and the process shall terminate for ineligible candidates and reasons there for would be prompted.
5. The andidate has to verify the correctness of data fed before registering/submltting his/her application. One candidate has to submit only one application. If more than one application is registered, it will lead to rejection of all üle applications registered by the candidate. )The applications are to be submitted online only. Manual applications will not be entertained.
Selection Procedure
The merit list for the whole Circle shall be prepared in respect Of all categories of posts put together The candidates will be allotted to the posts and divisions/units as per their prefrrence based on their position in the merit list and availability Of vacancy.. Such caididates who are not able to get the allocation in any of the post of his preference because of his/her performance, those candidates might be allocated to the post/division where the notified vacancies exist.
How to Apply
1. The candidate has to access the website www.anpost.in or www.indiapost.gov.in for detailed Notificaüon/Advertisement issued by the Chief Postmaster General, A.P.Postal Circle, Vijayawada herein
2. The candidate can register his/her application for only once and if a candldate registers more than one application m-line, his/her candidature is liable to be rejected without any commumcatlon.The submission Of application in online is a three-step process.
3. In the first step, the candidate has to register by filling in the details including standard information i.e; Name, Date of Birth, community, Gender, Education qualification, Mobile Number, Email ID etc. Candidate should fill die details/inputs in the Online Application at die appropriate places very carefrlly and can edit the particulars through EDIT option. Once the filling Of application is completed in the first step, the should submit the data by clickl_ng on the SUBMIT button at end of the Registration.
4. Before pressing the SUBMIT button, the candidates are advised to veriö’ careådly every fieldTmputs mentioned in application. Name Of Candidate or his/her father name etc. should be SFElt in the Application as it so appears in the Matriculation marks sheet. Any change/alteration found/detected later on may lead to his disqualification Of candidature.
Official Notification: