Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI Bank) has issued a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Junior Managing Director through recruitment notification. Candidates who have completed MD can apply for the new recruitment notification from Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI Bank)
Detail Of Post:
All-India Financial Institutions along with Public Sector Banks, State Government etc. have established a network of Technical Consultancy Organizations (TCOs) in various states in the 1970s – 80s to provide start-up services including industrial and technical consultancy services to the new as well as existing units / prospective entrepreneurs, in the MSME sector.
WEBCON Consulting (India) Limited (WEBCON), incorporated in 1979, is a Technical Consultancy Organisation offering a wide range of consultancy services, especially to MSMEs in preparation of project reports, market survey, viability study reports, conducting special assignments including cluster development, design and engineering for infrastructure related projects, management consultancy, micro enterprise development and organizing entrepreneurship / skill development training programmes, organizing workshops, fairs, seminars etc.
Plan and direct the company’s strategy for its growth and meeting the expectations of all stakeholders including shareholders, employees etc
The overall management of the company, including the staff, the customers, the budget, the company’s assets and all other resources to make the best use of them and increase the company’s profitability.
Play a prominent role in developing and supporting relations with key people for the successful operation of the company.
Address the issues relating to efficiency, quality control, management of staff, management of facilities etc.
Conduct the day-to-day affairs of the company including power to regulate and control such affair
Sign, on behalf of the company, all necessary documents like tenders, agreements, proposals for various works and so on, drawings, reports etc. pertaining to the business of the company in India and abroad as well as to delegate such powers to other senior officials of the company as he may deem appropriate as well as to incur necessary expenditure in this regard like EMD, cost of tender documents, nonrefundable deposits (wherever demanded by the clients) etc.The Managing Director (MD) would be in charge of the overall operations of the company including, interalia, the following major responsibilities: MD would play a leadership role for the organization and fulfills the motivational role for the workforce, in addition to his operational role in running of the organisation. MD motivates and mentors members of the management team and chairs executive meetings and to implement the guidance provided by the Board of Directors on various matters, from time to time and exercises the delegated authority under the overall superintendence, control and direction of the Board.
Age:The persons eligible for inclusion in the panel should generally be below 55 years of age as on 1st January of the current year and could be considered for appointment before crossing 58 years of age.
Emoluments: Scale of Pay: `40,115 – `1790 / 10 – `58,015 (11 years)
Other information MD would hold office generally for 3 years and would be eligible for extension of the tenure for further periods of 3 years or such tenure as may be decided by the Bank. The retirement age would be 60 years in all cases.
Selection Procedure:
Candidates can apply on or before 25/6/2016
No Detailed information about the selection process is mentioned in the recruitment notification
How To Apply?:
The shortlisted candidates will be called for personal interview which may include comprehensive interaction with a selection panel.
Interested candidates may send their Resume by post / Courier super scribing on the envelop ‘Application for the post of MD, WEBCON Consulting (India) Ltd.’ to reach us latest by June 25, 2016 addressed to the Chief General Manager, Associate Institutions Cell, Small Industries Development Bank of India, MSME Development Centre, C-11, G-Block, 4 th Floor, Bandra- Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051..
Please note that mere fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria does not entitle the applicant for being called for the process.
SIDBI reserves the right to raise the eligibility criteria depending upon the response and to accept / reject any application without giving any reason there for.
SIDBI’s decision would be final and shall not entertain any dispute in this regard.
Important Dates To Remember:
Last Date to Apply for this job 25/6/2016
Click Here To Download Application Form